Rift Wardrobe Wiki
Guardain - Templar Tainsburough

Templar Tainsburough is one of the PvP Armor Set Vendors for Guardians. She can be found on the left side of Sanctum in Theodor's Circle, around 7412, 836, 2903.


Templar Tainsburough sells level 25, 35, and 45 gear which can be purchased using the PvP currency known as favor.

This is only a listing of the armor she carries that has a visible model. She may carry more items such as necklaces, belts, or weapons, but they are not listed here.

Armor Class Model Name Level Item Name Prices
Cloth Scholar's Cloth Set 25 Hushed Erudite Gloves 367 favor
Patrician's Cloth Set 35 Hushed Erudite Pantaloons 1243 favor
Viscount's Cloth Set 45 Hushed Erudite Robes 2672 favor
Leather Conspirator's Leather Set 35 Mute Death's Boots 746 favor
Mastermind's Leather Set 45 Mute Death's Shoulderpads 2137 favor
Chain Vicar's Chain Set 35 Tacit Arbiter's Mantle 994 favor
Plate Warlord's Plate Set 35 Silent Vigil's Gauntlets 746 favor
Monarch's Plate Set 45 Silent Vigil's Helm 2137 favor